Lambda Layers

Updating the function was kind of slow! We can use Layers to help there.

Layers are just a .zip archive of extra STUFF (files) you can have Lambda add to your function automatically. This lets you keep the function itself smaller, and faster to update.

They require a certain directory structure, based on the runtime.

For example, for a NodeJS runtime, it needs files to be in a nodejs directory:

1# We need a certain directory structure...
2mkdir -p layer/nodejs
3cp -r node_modules package* layer/nodejs/
5# Zip it up
6cd layer # Note we zip it from this `layer` directory
7zip -r9q .

Once it's zipped up (note the file paths used), we can create the layer, and update the function to use it:

1# Create the layer
2aws --profile cloudcasts lambda publish-layer-version \
3 --layer-name "foo_nodejs_modules" \
4 --description "AWS S3 Node Modules" \
5 --zip-file fileb:// \
6 --compatible-runtimes nodejs14.x
8# Update the function
9aws --profile cloudcasts lambda update-function-configuration \
10 --function-name foo_func_nodejs \
11 --layers "arn:aws:lambda:us-east-2:601364042938:layer:foo_nodejs_modules:2"

The function is now using the layer.

Let's repackage our function (it's now just the index.js file) and re-upload it so the function is back to being tiny:

1# Create a new .zip of the app (just the `index.js` file!)
2zip -r9 index.js
4# Update the function
5aws --profile cloudcasts lambda update-function-code \
6 --function-name foo_func_nodejs \
7 --zip-file fileb:// \
8 --publish
10# Invoke the function
11aws --profile cloudcasts lambda invoke \
12 --function-name foo_func_nodejs \
13 --invocation-type RequestResponse \
14 output.json
16cat output.json

And it (still) worked! Our function is tiny, the layer has the larger stuff. This makes updating the function must quicker.

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