Shell Provisioner
Next we need to do things on the server (otherwise, what's the point?). To do so, we'll configure Provisioners.
The easiest it to run shell/bash scripts. Here's what that looks like using a Shell provisioner.
1{ 2 "min_packer_version":"1.0.0", 3 "variables":{
4 "infra_name": "cloudcasts", 5 "infra_env": "", 6 "aws_region": "us-east-2", 7 "aws_instance": "t3.small" 8 }, 9 "builders":[10 {
11 "type":"amazon-ebs",12 "ami_name":"{{user `infra_name`}}-{{user `infra_env`}}-{{timestamp}}-app",13 "instance_type":"{{user `aws_instance`}}",14 "region":"{{user `aws_region`}}",15 "profile": "cloudcasts",16 17 "source_ami_filter": {18 "filters": {19 "architecture": "x86_64",20 "name": "ubuntu/images/hvm-ssd/ubuntu-focal-20.04-amd64-server-*",21 "root-device-type": "ebs",22 "virtualization-type": "hvm"23 },24 "most_recent": true,25 "owners": [26 "099720109477"27 ]28 },29 "ssh_username":"ubuntu",30 "launch_block_device_mappings":[31 {32 "device_name":"/dev/sda1",33 "volume_size":8,34 "delete_on_termination":true,35 "encrypted":false,36 "volume_type":"gp3",37 "throughput": 125,38 "iops": 300039 }40 ],41 "tags":{42 "Name":"{{user `infra_name`}}-{{user `infra_env`}}-{{timestamp}}-app",43 "Project":"{{user `infra_name`}}",44 "Environment":"{{user `infra_env`}}",45 "Role":"baked-ami",46 "Unique":"baked-ami-{{timestamp}}",47 "ManagedBy":"packer",48 "Component":"app"49 }50 } 51 ],52 "provisioners":[53 {54 "script": "{{template_dir}}/scripts/",55 "type": "shell"56 }57 ]58}
Here's the contents of scripts/
1#! /usr/bin/env bash 2 3set -e 4 5# Helps clear issues of not finding Ansible package, 6# perhaps due to updates running when server is first spun up 7sleep 10 8 9export DEBIAN_FRONTEND="noninteractive"10 11# Install Ansible12echo ">>>>>>>>>>> INSTALLING ANSIBLE"13sudo apt-get update14sudo apt-get install -y ansible
As you can see, it installs Ansible, which we'll use next.